Thursday, October 15, 2009

A month gone and past.

Hello to all!

The staff here at What A Lame Excuse wanted to take the time to thank all those who have helped contribute to the website.

It's already been a whole month and people have submitted over 150 lame excuses!

As stated on the main page, we have been holding a competition to get even more excuses submitted. Every month we'll the staff will decide on the best five excuses sent in and then leave a voting poll for users to decide which one deserves the $50 prize!

The only rule is that if you want your submission to be entered, you have to attach your email address to your submission so we know how to contact you. (We promise we'll keep it anonymous.)

Due to the staff's other work schedules, for the next few weeks we'll be slowing down the release dates of new WALEs, to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday rotation.

In other news, We will be holding a Logo Competition for anyone interested in drawing and designing a logo for the site. The prize money hasn't been confirmed yet, but it's somewhere in the amount of at least $100 dollars.

Also stickers are coming! If you want to be a part of our Street Team, let us know by emailing us at We'll send you out pictures and for every 10 photos you send us of prominent places you stuck up our logo, we'll send you $10 cash! Tell everyone!

Stay tune for more soon at What a Lame Excuse!

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